There are so many myths surrounding certain foods and fad diets it’s often difficult to know what we should be eating and what is a ‘balanced diet’. We aim to dispel these myths and provide you with the tools to ensure you are getting the right intake of macros and micros along with other components of a healthy and balanced diet.
Our service starts with an analysis of your food diary (using specialist nutrition software) and a discussion of your goals. Most often, a shift in approach is what is needed to help you get back on track to eating healthier foods or losing weight. We are qualified in Behaviour Change Coaching so we can advise on techniques to assist and guide you every step of the way on your nutrition journey.
With a Level 4 Diploma in Nutrition and Weight Management we can provide advice in the following areas:
Nutrition and Weight Management
Vegetarian, Vegan and Plant based diets
Sport and Exercise Nutrition
Childhood Nutrition and Obesity Prevention
Pre and Post Natal Nutrition
Nutrition for Older Adults.